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Tuesday, April 24th, 2018

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    Britu sociologs Gidens pirms 26 gadiem iznākušā grāmatā:

    Modern societies have a covert emotional history, yet to be fully drawn into the open. It is a history of the sexual pursuits of men, kept separate from their public selves. The sexual control of women by men is much more than an incidental feature of modern social life. As that control starts to break down, we see the compulsive character of male sexuality more plainly revealed - and this declining control also generates a rising tide of male violence towards women. At the moment, an emotional abyss has opened up between the sexes, and one cannot say with any certainty how far it will be bridged.

    Anthony Giddens, The Transformation of Intimacy. Sexuality, Love & Eroticism in Modern Societies, Blackwell, 1992, p. 2-3
    Tikmēr austrumos (no komentāriem):

    The Pali canon includes instructions to male monks to preserve celibacy by meditating on female flesh as rotting and dead. It is also a traditional Buddhist thesis that women cannot obtain enlightenment, but only enough merit as to be reborn as men. I am not really well-informed about Tantric practices, but I doubt that they are about empowering female sexuality. I have nothing against post-sixties Western sexual values, but justify them on their own terms, don't claim they are embodied in other traditions.
    Iesēju dzirnakmenī matjolas.

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