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Thursday, March 29th, 2018

    Time Event
    "Ījaba grāmatu" vienkāršojot, bet visumā korekti varētu rezumēt:

    Ījabs: (nav apmierināts ar to, kā izvērsusies dzīve, uzdod dažādus jautājumus par taisnīgumu, jēgu, ciešanām, gudrību u.tml.)
    JHWH (apžēlojas un ierodas pie Ījaba viesuļvētras veidolā): Let me ask you something. Who the fuck are you??
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    Freudianism remained ever-hopeful in ways that today’s psychiatry is not and cannot be. Thus, autism was once held to be due to “refrigerator mothers” and not biology. And, if you found your autism to be an affliction you wished to discard, wouldn’t you rather believe it was due to a malevolent environment (the effects of which can be overcome) and not something hardwired into your skull?
    And yet, today Freudianism mostly lies in ruins, rejected for lacking any foundation in science. And this remains so despite its offering a tremendously hopeful belief in human potential and the freedom to become what one wishes to be and not subject to the limitations of nature...

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