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Monday, November 28th, 2016

    Time Event
    Sakot "reliģija", katrs domā kaut ko savu - no veca, bet aktuāla NNT raksta :

    When an Arab now says “Jew” he largely means something about a creed; to Arabs, a converted Jew is no longer a Jew. But for a Jew, a Jew is someone whose mother is a Jew.
    When someone discusses the interests of the “Christian minority” in the Levant, it doesn’t mean (as Arabs tend to think!) promoting a Christian theocracy (as I said earlier, the church has always been uneasy in its relationship with the profane; full theocracies were very few in Christian history, just Byzantium, a short attempt by Calvin and few other episodes). He just means “secular” or wants a marked separation of church and state.
    “Belief” can be epistemic, or simply procedural (pisteic) – leading to confusions about what sort of beliefs, are religious beliefs and which ones are not, disentangled through signaling. For, on top of the “religion” problem, there is a problem with belief. Some beliefs are largely decorative, some are functional (they help in survival); others are literal.
    ā, jā, Pītagors aizliedza lūgt par sevi, "jo mēs nezinām, kas mums ir derīgs." (Diogens Lāertietis VIII, 9)

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