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Wednesday, August 10th, 2016

    Time Event
    No psihologu atziņām:

    I have found that many people use the word "selfish" in a very distorted way. One of my clients told me that her husband told her she was selfish when she didn't want to watch violent movies with him.
    You might be anybody in this world, even Brahma or Vishnu, but you do not have the power to do anything. Your life is your existence. It is made up of the five elements and it is dependent only on these five elements. Consciousness is an orphan without parents or source. It has no need of anyone. (..) Have no concern about losing your personnality by listening to this knowledge, as personnality has always been illusory. In order to even understand me the sense of personnality must be absent. You are the knowledge and you don't have any shape or form whatsoever. You are impersonnal. You are comprehensive. You are the unmanifest, the universal Consiousness.
    What would happen if you went in search of that Consiousness? The seeker would disappear in the search, because the "I Amness" is all there is.

    Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, "Beyond Freedom"

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