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Thursday, February 4th, 2016

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    Maķedonijas Aleksandrs zoroastriešu Vecajo avotos
    “Once Zarathustra had received the religion it was propagated in the world until 300 years were completed. Then the accursed, wicked Evil Spirit deluded the accursed Alexander the Roman (sic!), who lived in Egypt, in order to cause the people to have doubt about this religion; and he came to the land of Iran with great destruction, strife, and trouble.”
    Ardāy Wirāz Nāmag (ed. Vahman, 1985)

    Līdz Fredija Merkūrija bērēm (laikam toreiz TV pat rādīja), kas saskaņā ar testamentu tika novadītas pēc zoroastriešu rituāliem (priesteri viscaur baltā, rituāls ar uguni), jo tāda bija nelaiķa reliģija, es biju dzīvojusi svētā nezināšanā, ka zoroastrisms vispār vēl pastāv; izrādās, pastāv, un ir pat diezgan liela diaspora pasaulē.

    Bet, lūk, tātad - nebija cilvēkiem šaubu par savu reliģiju, bet atnāca Aleksandrs un šaubas iesvēla.

    "Since they [the Iranians] had no rulers, chiefs, leaders, or judges who knew the religion,[[jo tie gāja bojā Aleksandra kampaņas un tīrīšanu rezultātā - tā apgalvo teksts, bet vismaz daļa mūsdienu vēsturnieku nepiekristu]] and they were doubtful about things connected with the Divine Beings, many types of sects, beliefs, heresy, doubt, and disagreement came into being in the world."

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