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Wednesday, January 6th, 2016

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    There are many accounts of people who say they have found God through their deep suffering, and there is the Christian expression ‘the way of the cross,’ which I suppose points to the same thing.
    Strictly speaking, they did not find God through their suffering because suffering implies resistance. They found God through surrender, through total acceptance of what is, into which they were forced by their intense suffering. They must have realized, on some level, that their pain was self-created.

    Eckhart Tolle
    The idea that comes from this is that we can work changes in society by educating the public, appealing to “reason.” But where is this reason that we are supposed to be appealing to?

    [..] analytic moral philosophy sets out from a Cartesian perspective that places the philosopher behind the Iron Curtain of his intellect, from which he peers out at the living world as through the wrong end of a telescope, distantly. On the one hand, as paradigms, ways of seeing, utilitarianism and Kantianism are powerful tools for focusing our gaze on minute questions and concepts relating to our moral lives. However, as Thomas Kuhn showed, to do this, to focus our gaze, paradigms also “screen” or filter out most of the phenomenal realm. We see only what the paradigm allows us to see.
    [bagātīgs materiāls, Singera, kreiso kritika etc.]

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