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Wednesday, August 14th, 2013

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    Iznākusi šāda grāmata: Matthias Vogel, Media of Reason: A Theory of Rationality (tulkota no vācu).

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    This is an ambitious book. One of its central claims is that artistic action and aesthetic experience are essential dimensions of rationality and must be incorporated into a comprehensive theory of rationality. Taking art as an exemplary mode of nonlinguistic communication, the guiding idea is that language is only one medium of reason among others and that ultimately we need to "gain a view of the entire range of media through which the activity of mind can be expressed". (..) Vogel maintains that a comprehensive theory of rationality that includes nonlinguistic modes of understanding would be less vulnerable to radical critiques of reason. He defines the "process of enlightenment" minimally as "the social process in which we develop and learn to understand our ability to understand", insisting that this must include all possible modes of understanding. (..) A core notion is that artwork is the "means of a form of communication that is deeply rooted in fundamental processes of interaction through which we become beings with minds". (

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