existential nausea & the fuuuture

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Jul. 11., 2012 | 11:58 am
mood: futuristic

Tagad zinu, ka to fenomenu - panikas briidi, kad FB kaa obligaatu uzlika Timeline fiichu, un izdzeesos no turienes - sauc par existential nausea un tas notiek, kad tu nejaushi izbaaz galvu aarpus sava manufactured normalcy field. Karoche, palasiet pashi:

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The Atis

(bez virsraksta)

from: [info]atiitis
date: Jul. 11., 2012 - 11:20 pm

oki. Autors apskata aktuaalu probleemu, proti, izskataas, ka pamazaam sadrumstalojas muusu civilizaacijas kopeejais normalitaates lauks (tobish tas kaa mees uztveram realitaati un racionalizeejam tos realitaates elementus, kas nav mums saprotami (piemeeram mobilais telefons vai lidmashiina)). Un taa nav joka lieta. Ja tu palasiitos to rakstu, tad redzeetu, ka shaada distopiska naakotnes viizija nav nemaz tik neticama:

The result will be a world population with a large majority of people on the edge of madness, somehow functioning in a haze where past, present and future form a chaotic soup (have you checked out your Facebook feed lately?) of drunken perspective shifts.

This is already starting to happen. Instead of a newspaper feeding us daily doses of a shared Field, we get a nauseating mix of news from forgotten classmates, slogan-placards about issues trivial and grave, revisionist histories coming at us via a million political voices, the future as a patchwork quilt of incoherent glimpses, all mixed in with pictures of cats doing improbable things.

The waning Field, still coming at us through weakening media like television, seems increasingly like a surreal zone of Wonderland madness.

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