It's D&D!

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Jan. 26., 2011 | 07:36 am
mood: amused amused

"After concluding that the popular role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons (“D&D”) represented a threat to prison security, officials at Wisconsin’s Waupun Correctional Institution took action to eradicate D&D within the prison’s wall."

"Waupun’s long-serving Disruptive Group Coordinator, Captain Bruce Muraski, received an anonymous letter from an inmate. The letter expressed concern that Singer and three other inmates were forming a D&D gang and were trying to recruit others to join by passing around their D&D publications and touting the “rush” they got from playing the game."

"an expert on prison gangs argued not only that having a Dungeon Master issue direction to other players “mimics the organization of a gang”, but that the game encourages players to become obsessed with mentally escaping the restrictions of prison life, which could threaten “the safety and security of the institution.”"

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from: [info]aivars_liepa
date: Jan. 26., 2011 - 02:08 pm

Mjā, izlasot to slēdzienu, galvenā doma ir - D&D rosina bandas tipa socializāciju, ir precedenti noziegumiem D&D iespaidā, cietuma apsardze zina labāk, ko var un ko nevar ieslodzītie, un cietumā laiks nav jāpavada 'bēgot no realitātes pie elfiem' bet gan topot pāraaudzinātiem par sabiedrībai derīgiem pilsoņiem...

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