café con chocolate negro y helado - Give me some time, [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Give me some time, [24. Okt 2005|06:07]
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Date:24. Oktobris 2005 - 23:54
between love and hate [i never needed anybody...]

un what ever happened jau gadu skan galvā literatūras kabinetā kopā ar blur trimm trabb.
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Date:25. Oktobris 2005 - 00:09
tad It's only the end
It's only the end...hey.

kad šie mani sakrata, triecos kā koola ārrā no pudeles, un nespēēēēju apstāties. dīdeklis piemeties!

We don't get the news
He says why not?
Why not?
[ju hoo!]
Date:25. Oktobris 2005 - 00:29
ō jā. spēks šamējos kautkāds ir.