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11/10/08 12:34 am

Pa ilgiem laikiem un retai reizei aizkūlos līdz Netīro darījumu cafe, lai paklausītos LAIME PILNĪGA, kas arī ir laime pilnīga un sajūta, ka viss varbūt nav nokavēts. Turpat atradu arī The Cockatoos, kas bija gana dīvaini ar savu sešstīgu basistu un smalko (kā izrādās latviešu) bundzinieku, neaizmirstot, protams, Thomas Bekhuis, kurš draudēja uzsprāgt uz tās skatuves... da neko, nevienu pazīstamu seju tā arī neizdevās satikt- sen jau vairs nekur nevazājos (secinājums).

9/29/07 11:47 pm - Francisco Lopez

"..There's really nothing specific I want to express or convey with my music. In that sense, it's actually incomplete until a listener has decided what 'to do' with it. It's open for use and interpretation.. When you've done hundreds of performances you usually have a collection of weird anecdotes, including people crawling on the floor, crying, feeling as carried up to heaven by angels or down to hell by demons, and the like. What I find encouraging is not the extreme examples of this, but the astonishing variety of individual experiences / reactions to the same sonic material. I interpret this a sign of openness in the content of the sonic creation, and this is also one of my main concerns: to work towards the development of a 'blank' sonic universe.."

subjektīvi pārliecinoši
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9/29/07 12:42 am - k.remonts

sen nekas tik dzīvs un īsts nebija dzirdēts kā 'kā remonts'
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