- 26.1.09 19:11
"Vācu klasiskās filosofijas rezumējums izpaužas Georga Vilhelma Frīdriha Hēgeļa (1770-1831) mācībā. Hēgelis daudz kur kritizē Kantu, taču viņa filozofiskie uzskati nebūtu bijuši iespējami bez Kanta," Rihards un Maija kūļi kopīgi raksta grāmatā "Filosofija" (Rīga: Burtnieks, 1996).
Nemaz nedomādams uz abiem iepriekš minētajiem autoriem atsaukties, pirms 50 gadiem Rasels rakstīja: "Hegel (1770-1831) was culmination of the movement in German philosophy that started from Kant; although he often criticized Kant, his system could never have arisen if Kant's hand not existed." (RUSSELL, Bertrand. Hostory of Western Philosophy and its Connection with Political and Social Circumstances from the Earlest Times to the Present Day. London : George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1946)