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Hamsters (The Tiger Lillies)

I love a little hamster up my rectum
It makes me feel so bright and so gay
What they do with their paws, the way they do gnaw
It makes me orgasm every day

I love a little hamster up my rectum
I freeze up to twenty every day
They gnaw and they claw, they pore and they paw
It makes me go hip-hip-hip-hip hooray (hip-hip hooray!)

I love a little hamster up my rectum
But they always try to get out of my ass
They try and they try, and then they do die
They always pick the wrong end of the shaft

I love a little hamster up the rectum
But they always try to get out the wrong way
They try and they try, and then they do die
Always try to exit the wrong way

But now, my rectum has been ruptured...
At the petshop I not longer pay...
I'm left to remenisce... of my moments of bliss...
With hamsters... I had my evil ways...

Love a little hamster up the rectum (up the rectum!)
I love a little hamster up the ass (up the ass!)
I love a little (??) up the anus (up the anus!)
It always makes me laugh

I love a little hamster up the rectum (up the rectum!)
I love a little hamster up the bun (up the bun!)
I love a little hamster up the bumhole (up the bumhole!)
Now that's what I call fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun fun fun!


Climbing up the heavenly stairs
You know where you're going when you know where
You're going to hell
Yes, you're going to hell.

You're going down a hundred eighty degrees,
You can see when you can see
You're going to hell
Yes, you're going to hell.

You were weak, you were easy to squeeze,
They did with you as they please,
You're going to hell
Yes, you're going to hell.

They're going to tear you limb from limb
Because of your so called sin
You're going to hell,
Yes, you're going to hell.

They're going to tear you limb from limb
Because of your so called sin
You're going to hell,
Yes, you're going to hell
Yes, you're going to hell
Yes, you're going to hell
Yes, you're going to hell
Yes, you're going to hell
Yes, you're going to hell
Yes, you're going to hell

a ko, labi


Я - король проспекта,
Я стою здесь давно.
Я промок и продрог,
Но мне все равно.
Я купил в переходе
У бабульки цветы.
Меня два раза вязали
ОМОН и менты.

Припев: Я доеду, Люся. Люся, я доеду.
Дождись меня. Люся, спать не ложись.
Я приеду, Люся, Люся, Люся, я приеду.
Только в тачки не содят. хоть удавись.

Два червонца, Алтуфьевка,
Братан, очень надо.
Выручи, друг, ведь закрылось метро.
Да не пьяный я, просто гуляла бригада,
Отмечали "квартальную" и Рождество.

Припев: Я доеду, Люся, Люся, я доеду.
Дождись меня, Люся, спать не ложись.
Я приеду, Люся. Люся, Люся, я приеду.
Только в тачки гады не содят, хоть удавись.

Довезите, братцы,
Денег мало - так что же.
Да не грязный я, что ты,
Отряхнуться могу.
Но пацан из "девятки"
Хрясь мне по роже,
Шарах в поддыхалку,
И я опять на снегу.

Хрясь, хрясь по роже.
Грязь, грязь на коже.
Хрясь, хрясь, и рожей в грязь.
Хрясь, хрясь по роже.
Грязь, грязь на коже.
Хрясь, хрясь, и рожей в грязь.

Я лежу на спине,
Надо мной фонари.
А на них снегири,
А в глазах - упыри,
Я в противном снегу.
Как Папанин потерян.
Где моя азбука Морзе?
Ребята, где берег?
Люся. Люся, Люся,
Дождись моряка.

Я - король проспекта,
Я беспечен и весел.
Я, как летчик Мересьев,
Гребу локтями снег.
Я прорыл траншею,
В нее положат рельсы,
По ним поедет трамвай,
В нем будет 100 человек.

interesanti tomēr

re nu, lasu, ka vīreļi atraduši mazā dīvaiņa - Hitlera, pielabotu jauno derību.
nu spoks jau šis bija, bet no tiem 12 baušļiem, kurus šis i ģenerējis, daži ir pat labi.
nu te tad arī tos izklāju.
domājiet ko gribiet, bet mani daži bik kustina

Hitlera 12 baušļi:

1. Cieni savu fīreru un dievu!
2. Sargi tīrās asinis un svēto godu!
3. Esi gatavs sevi upurēt citu vārdā!
4. Glabā savu personību!
5. Uzticies dievam ar visu sirdi!
6. Saglabā savu mantojumu un centies to pavairot!
7. Esi rāms dieva priekšā!
8. Atceries: jūtas nemelo!
9. Tava dzīvība un tavs ķermenis ir svēti!
10. Palīdzi un piedod!
11. Cieni māti un tēvu. Esi labs piemērs saviem bērniem!
12. Dzīvē svarīgākais ir taisnīgums un uzticība!

Dean Roumanis

August 6, 2006 — Dean Roumanis, chief operating officer and part owner of Krell Industries, died Sunday, July 30, of a heart attack, one day after being taken to the hospital following chest pains he experienced after a long bicycle ride. He was 52.

Oh I think I smell a rat
oh I think I smell a rat
all you little kids
seem to think you know
just where it's at
oh I think I smell a rat
walking down the street
carrying a baseball bat
oh I think I smell a rat

Oh I think I smell a rat
oh I think I smell a rat
all you little kids
seem to think you know
just where it's at
oh I think I smell a rat
using your mother and father
for a welcome mat
oh I think I smell a rat

vai manu, cik te daži jūtīgi. mī un žē. nekas, nekas, nosprāgs vairs tādi nebūs.

nāves hronika Nr.6

nu re ko, vēl viens labs vīrs mūsu pusē.

83 gadu vecumā Vīnē pēc ilgas slimības miris viens no 20. gadsimta mūzikas pionieriem - komponists Ģērģs Ligeti (Gyorgy Ligeti).
Ligeti mūzika nekad nesakņojas kādā vispārpieņemtā rakstības tehnikā, nav skaidrojama, raugoties no kāda viena, pārbaudīta stila viedokļa. Viņš vienmēr un visā ir bijis, ir vēlējies būt viņš pats.
Kino cienītāji Ligeti noteikti atcerēsies pēc Stenlija Kubrika Filmas ""2001: A Space Odyssey" skaņu celiņa.
un ne tikai....arī Eyes Wide Shut tur būs.

Nāves hronika Nr5. jeb - pie mums nāk arī kolosāli cilvēki

Billy Preston: 1946–2006

June 11, 2006 — Billy Preston, the keyboard player, singer, and songwriter frequently credited as "the fifth Beatle," died June 6 in Scottsdale, AZ from respiratory complications from improperly treated pericarditas he experienced in an LA hospital visit on November 21, 2005.

Preston, born September 2, 1946 in Houston, TX, was mentored by Ray Charles. He was a regular performer on the mid-1960s ABC TV show Shindig! and toured Europe with Little Richard. In Hamburg, the soon-to-be-famous Beatles opened for Little Richard, then at the height of his popularity. It was there that the teenage Preston and the lads from Liverpool first met. Preston played organ and electric piano on Let It Be and Abbey Road and, in fact, the single "Get Back" was credited to "The Beatles and Billy Preston"—the only time the Beatles ever shared billing on a record release with another musician.

The BBC reported that John Lennon went so far as to suggest Preston join the Beatles, but the deteriorating personal relationships of the four prevented this from happening, although some observers suggest that Preston's presence at the Abbey Road and Let It Be sessions may have moderated the rancor that was growing among the bandmembers. George Harrison compared Preston's presence to that of a guest at a tense family reunion—everyone behaves better in order not to appear too fractious.

Preston also appeared on the Rolling Stones' Exile on Main Street and toured regularly with the band. He also played in George Harrison's Concert For Bangladesh and at Harrison's memorial, Concert For George. He had success as a solo artist, charting with "Outta Space," "Will It Go 'Round In Circles," "Nothing From Nothing," and "With You I'm Born Again," his duet with Syreeta Wright that remains popular at weddings. He also wrote "You Are So Beautiful," which became a smash for Joe Cocker. Preston played on Bob Dylan's Blood On the Tracks, Sly and the Family Stone's There's a Riot Going On, and Aretha Franklin's Young Gifted and Black—a legacy that would have assured him inclusion in any pop music pantheon. In addition, Preston was the first musical guest on the long-running Saturday Night Live franchise. Miles Davis named a song in his honor, an indication of the esteem in which his fellow musicians held him.

nāves hronika nr.4

Ceturtdien Jelgavā, aizdomās par 1948.gadā dzimuša vīrieša slepkavību aizturēta 1965.gadā dzimusi sieviete, informēja Jelgavas pilsētas un rajona Policijas pārvaldes preses sekretāre Ieva Sietniece.
Pirmdien ap pulksten 18 Jelgavā, Uzvaras ielā, kādā dzīvoklī atrasts vīrieša līķis ar redzamām vardarbīgas nāves pazīmēm - durtu brūci krūšu kurvī.
Tika uzsākts kriminālprocess par tīša smaga miesas bojājuma nodarīšanu, kā rezultātā iestājusies cietušā nāve.

bļa, nu es tak teicu, ka sievietes ir maitas.

nāves hronika Nr. 3

Trešdien naktī Aizkraukles rajona Neretā kādai automašīnai ietriecoties mājas sienā, gāja bojā auto vadītājs.

Valsts policijas Preses un sabiedrisko attiecību nodaļā informēja, ka traģiskais negadījums notika ap pulksten 5, Neretā, Raiņa ielā. Mājā ietriecās automašīna "Audi 80", kuras vadītājs, pagaidām neidentificēts vīrietis, no gūtajām traumām notikuma vietā mira.

nāves hronika Nr.2

Daugavpilī kādā dzīvoklī atrasts vīrieša līķis sadalīšanās stadijā informēja Daugavpils policijas preses centrā.

Pirmdien Raipoles ielas dzīvoklī atrastā vīrieša līķis, kurš bija sadalīšanās stadijā, nosūtīt uz tiesu medicīnisko ekspertīzi.

Dzīvoklī atradies arī kāds vīrietis, kurš nebija spējīgs sazināties. Ārsti 1952.gadā dzimušajam vīrietim konstatēja saindēšanos ar alkohola surogātiem.

Policiju uz notikuma vietu izsauca kāds kaimiņš.

Uzsākts kriminālprocess, lai noskaidrotu mirušā vīrieša personību un nāves iemeslus.

nāves hronika Nr1.

Kijevas zooloģiskajā dārzā lauvene svētdien saplosījusi kādu vīrieti, kurš ierāpies lauvu sprostā un saucis, ka Dievs viņu izglābs.

"Vīrietis sauca: "Dievs mani izglābs, ja viņš ir!", pa virvi nolaidās nožogojumā, novilka kurpes un gāja pie lauvām," stāstīja zooloģiskā dārza darbinieks. "Lauvene uzreiz piegāja viņam klāt, notrieca no kājām un pārkoda miega artēriju."

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