17 August 2008 @ 11:31 pm
childhood 'n stuff  
Do you remember? ..
Gettin high was on a swing in a park. .
The only thing a boy could give you was a disease . .
The only thing they played was football..
The most painful thing ever was scrapin' your knee ..
The only thing that got broken was your toys..
Race issues was who could run faster..
A bitch was a female dog..
The only guy in the world was your daddy..
and spice girls where the coolest..
Mistakes could be rubbed out..
And the best man who ever lived was santa!..
When fallin out was not speakin for 5 mins..
Sex was a rude word..
Your future began with ”When I Grow Up I Wanna Be”..
You only cried when you fell over..
Sayin goodbye was until tomorrow..
Life was simple and carefree..
But all we wanted to do was grow up
šobrīd skan: Norah Jones- Rosie's Lullaby
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aneteens[info]aneteens on August 18th, 2008 - 03:29 pm
Bet ir jāiet uz priekšu. Par to gan vēl ir pāragri runāt, taču ir jāprot arī novecot. :)
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