Stopwatch hearts - Komentāri

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Februāris 16., 2023

Izlasīju Washington Post rakstu par to, kā ar ChatGPT bagātinātais Bing meklētājs nenovēršami piedāvā ne vienkārši kļūdainu, bet pat absurdu informāciju. Piemēram, ka Toms Henks esot bijis tas, kurš paziņo par Votergeitas skandālu.

Devos arī pats pie ChatGPT prasīt, lai iedod man kādu sazvērestības teoriju par Tomu Henku. Šis sacīja, ka nedošot, jo sazvērestības teorijas ir sliktas un tā vietā esot jāturas pie faktiem un pierādījumiem. Atbildēju, ka mums pilni kinoteātri, grāmatnīcas un bibliotēkas ar materiālu, kam nav nekāda sakara ar realitāti. Ja būtu visu laiku jāturas pie faktiem un pierādījumiem, tad šīs lietas nevarētu eksistēt.

ChatGPT piekrita, bet norādīja, ka daiļliteratūra un spēlfilmas esot priekš izklaides, un tas ir kas cits nekā sazvērestības teorijas, kas var nodarīt kaitējumu īstiem indivīdiem un grupām.

Sacīju, ka nu ta lai uzraksta man sazvērestības teoriju, kas būtu priekš izklaides. Un ChatGPT beidza tiepties un uzrakstīja arī. Ne ļoti oriģinālu un ne visai atbilstošu tam, ko vismaz es saprotu ar sazvērestības teoriju, bet tomēr.

Tom Hanks is secretly a time traveler from the future. In his own time, Tom Hanks is a historian who has devoted his life to studying the past. But after discovering a way to travel through time, Tom uses his knowledge of history to travel back to the present day and help prevent a catastrophic event that he knows will occur in the future.

To do this, Tom uses his acting career as a cover for his true mission. He uses the power of his fame and influence to gain access to influential people and institutions, and to gather intelligence on the impending disaster. He also uses his skills as an actor to manipulate events and people in the present day to help prevent the future catastrophe.

However, there are others who know about Tom's true identity and mission, and they will stop at nothing to prevent him from changing the course of history. These shadowy forces, which include government agencies, secret societies, and even rival time travelers, will do everything in their power to stop Tom and protect the status quo.

As Tom races against time to prevent the disaster and avoid being caught by his enemies, he must also grapple with the ethical implications of altering the course of history and the impact that his actions could have on the future. In the end, Tom must decide whether to follow his heart and try to prevent the disaster, or to return to his own time and let history unfold as it was meant to.

Of course, this is just a work of fiction and not based on any factual events or evidence. But it could make for an entertaining story that combines elements of science fiction, action, and drama, while exploring themes of ethics, history, and the consequences of our actions.

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