apmēram pirms mēneša pasūtīju 35mm 1.8 Nikkor.
gaidīju, domāju, ka viņiem tur svētku dēļ pisec.
šodien saņēmu šito:
"Dear Mr. Alcoholic,
With regards to your order, we would like to inform you that your request has been forwarded to the relevant department for processing. Once the order has been cancelled (wtf!!!) we will then proceed with refund. Rest assured that you will receive the refund as soon as possible.
Again, we apologise for the inconvenience caused.
Should you have further queries, feel free to contact us again.
Best Regards,
Jonie Customer Service Executive"
Viņiem tur Hujkongā galīgi prāti sapisušies? Es katru rītu cēlos ar cerību, ka tūliņpat onka no DHL klauvēs pie durvīm un pasniegs man dārgumu... Pisec.
vīnu! dodiet man vīnu!
činčin un vilkšos ka es rīt uz veikalu un pirkšu tepat, pofig, ka trešdaļu dārgāk, bet vismaz būs uzreiz un tagad.
nespēju vairs gaidīt, fiziski nespēju.
gaidīju, domāju, ka viņiem tur svētku dēļ pisec.
šodien saņēmu šito:
"Dear Mr. Alcoholic,
With regards to your order, we would like to inform you that your request has been forwarded to the relevant department for processing. Once the order has been cancelled (wtf!!!) we will then proceed with refund. Rest assured that you will receive the refund as soon as possible.
Again, we apologise for the inconvenience caused.
Should you have further queries, feel free to contact us again.
Best Regards,
Jonie Customer Service Executive"
Viņiem tur Hujkongā galīgi prāti sapisušies? Es katru rītu cēlos ar cerību, ka tūliņpat onka no DHL klauvēs pie durvīm un pasniegs man dārgumu... Pisec.
vīnu! dodiet man vīnu!
činčin un vilkšos ka es rīt uz veikalu un pirkšu tepat, pofig, ka trešdaļu dārgāk, bet vismaz būs uzreiz un tagad.
nespēju vairs gaidīt, fiziski nespēju.