<3. The things you do for love.

Posted by [info]adrastea on 2012.09.18 at 23:16
Izema atbilde uz manu dzimšanas dienas ielūgumu.

Well, where should we start? How about at the beginning? You see, what happened is that your mom’s menstrual period took place around December 31 1989. She probably ovulated around January 13th 1990. Partly thanks to the extreme cold outside, but also because your parents were young and in love, they decided to get intimate sometime between January 9th and January 17th of that month. The most probable scenario is that they did not use any protection. If they did, it must have malfunctioned, because at least one spermatozoid cell managed to swim all the way up, through the uterus and correct tube, to meet the egg and gently knock on its door. The egg, thinking it found its other half, allowed the sperm head to enter, leaving its tail at the door.

Once the two cells got acquainted, they united their bank accounts, and established a common information bank, which will later give rise to a wonderful woman 22 years later. The common information bank is of course the genetic material which will guide your development from the day of conception. Your chromosomes went straight to work. They started their dictatorship by making the united cell divide into 2 copies, then 4, then 8, then 16, then 32. By the time you were composed of 32 cells, you were still a clump of cells travelling down your mom’s uterus. It’s been 5 days since the intimate relation between your parents, and already you are a blastula, composed of about 100 cells, looking for a suitable spot for implantation in the uterus. And that you did, you invaded your mom’s uterus and started high jacking her body. First you took over her blood supply, with all the nutrition you needed to grow, but soon you would order your mom’s body to change drastically. You made her breasts bigger, changed her hormonal balance, made her heart beat faster and stronger, raised her body temperature, and even dictated her behavior.

In the meantime, you were also working hard. Your cells started to become specialized, and organized themselves, of course thanks to your genetic code, into organs. These organs slowly grew bigger and bigger. By the time they were mature enough to allow you to survive outside your mom’s body; you were ready to start your journey through the birth channel. Yes, it’s been nine months since that cozy winter night, and your mom is expecting to carry you in her arms soon.

October 6th 1990, a Saturday if I remember correctly, while the spacecraft Ulysses launched towards the Sun, and the 67th manned space mission, Discovery 11, launched into orbit, the medical journal “the Lancet” published an article about medically assisted conception. Your father may have read this article, with a smile on his face and may have reacted with “pfff… I know I won’t be needing that!” He was probably sitting in the waiting room, while your mother underwent one of the most painful experiences known to men, I mean women... well, you know what I mean. Hours passed, and the contractions were stronger and stronger, and the screams louder and louder. Your father thinking “oh, my, what have I done:/”, and your mom probably thinking “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!!” All this torment and then suddenly a moment of silence, followed with a cry from a tiny voice. This tiny voice had an extremely powerful effect because it made grown people shed tears of happiness and joy.

22 years later and you still make grown people shed tears of happiness and joy. This is the reason I feel honored to be allowed to join in the celebration of this magical day which represents the miracle of life in its purest form. A condensation of warm energy shining in a glistening pink color and making soft wawawa sounds. This energy that attracts so many of us like mayflies, and that we appreciate so much, we call Lelde. One of the ways I would like to show my appreciation is by accepting your invitation to your birthday celebration. Mmmmmmmmmoah!

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