Posted by [info]adrastea on 2011.02.25 at 23:00
Šodienas slimošanas diena:
Izlasīju +/- 10 rakstus par NATO&Krieviju, kursa darbam
Uzrakstīju mājasdarbu
Aizsūtīju e-pastu prakses vietai
Noskatījos filmu Rebel without a cause
Noskatījos 3 dailyshow epizodes
Parunāju skypā ar mammu/tēti/žaku un Jūliju
Ieliku bildes no caves&horses pārbrauciena
Uzvārīju sev makaronus un kādas miljons reizes tēju
Atradu urban dictionary terminu:
fancily heroic -> Completing an act of epic proportions with grace and finesse, ending in an angel symphony accompanied with singing while the heavens open through the clouds to rain a golden light upon thee, usually involving godlike glitter.
" Did you see the way he just chugged that Jameson Whiskey, then hopped in the ring and knocked out Tito Ortiz with one punch.. that was fancily heroic."


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