
Posted by [info]adrastea on 2010.10.20 at 15:41

The Prophet took my hand on all souls day
He preached the value of deception
Changing shadows by a shapeshifter's rules
Tales are never just for fools
The court of conscience came before me
Presenting me with a heavenly angel
You took my hand and asked me, truths aside
To his questions I replied:

Do you want the truth or something beautiful?
Just close your eyes and make believe
Do you want the truth or something beautiful?
I am happy to deceive you

He stood as tall as redwood trees
Drank tea from a seamstress' thimble
I Didn't want to speak the honest truth
So I spit out lies that aimed to soothe

Do you want the truth or something beautiful?
Just close your eyes and make believe
Do you want the truth or something beautiful?
I am happy to deceive you

Secrets, lies, and falling veils
I can be who you want me to be
Sacred lies, and telling tales
I can be who you want me to be
But do you want me?

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