Kādu stundu sūdzos Jūlijai un mēģinu izprast personīgo horoskopu savienošanas programmu astro.com, lai noteiktu savu un T saderību, pēc tam izdomāju tomēr pievērsties savam referātam, kurš jānodod rīt.
Bet vēlreiz paturpinot par horoskopu. No sākuma es iebraucu konkrētās auzās meklējot middle point un mēģinot kaut ko saprast no grādu tabulas un simboliem, kas apzīmē katru planētu un horoskopa zīmi līdz es atklāju blakus linku uz paskaidrojumiem normālā/cilvēcīgā valodā.
Kopumā izskatās ļoti daudzsološi un tas mani patiešām iepriecina. Daudzsološi, ja neskaita to, ka vispārīgi skatoties informācija ir tāda: saderība ir gandrīz labākā iespējamā vairākos aspektos, bet pastāv mazs procentuāls skaits gadījumu, kuros ja kaut kas noies greizi, tad mēs viens otru nomušīsim. :D MĪLA VS NAIDS.
Interesantākie (priekš manis) citāti būtu:
- This is a relationship in which the two of you are able to be yourselves and express your egos fully and without reserve in each other's presence.
- This relationship signifies that as a couple you will achieve a more perfect self-expression than either of you could experience in relationships with others.
- The trine of composite Moon and composite Venus is an excellent indication of a relationship based on love and affection. By itself, this aspect suggests that you are very compatible emotionally and that your relationship will have a positive effect on both of you.
- Your relationship will have a quality of exuberance that will make others glad to be with you. Also, you will be tolerant of each other's faults. In fact, the only real difficulty this aspect might raise is that you may be too uncritical of each other.
- The sextile of composite Pluto and Mars gives the two of you the potential for transforming yourselves through the relationship you create. You will arouse each other's sense of will and purpose in a complementary rather than a competitive way, and this will allow you to express your powers as individuals without getting in each other's way.
- While this aspect furthers your individual ego-expression, it also allows you to cooperate in gaining whatever you wish to gain together. You are able to work hard together, for you call forth energies in each other that you may not have known you had.
- In a sexual relationship it can make physical love-making better and more satisfying than usual. It often makes people feel irresistibly attracted to each other. The problem this combination presents is that sex can easily become a device for one person to dominate the other. (haha, man patīk pēdējais teikums šajā punktā).
- You cannot expect this to be a quiet, stable, predictable relationship, and you won't know what to expect at times. But it can be very stimulating, whatever its purpose.
- The seventh is the house not only of partnerships and marriage, but also of open enmities and intimate conflict. With this placement, if your relationship is not going well, you may compete with each other in a way that is disruptive and produces antagonism between you.
- If the relationship is laden with conflicts, even a strong feeling of love between you may turn to hatred. In most cases, however, this will be a very fine personal relationship.
http://www.astro.com/cgi/aclch.cgi?b typ=acc&nhor=1&nho2=2&go.x=20&go.y=6&go=Go#bnr=3&cid=uxnfileNwzyQ6-u1270495319&lang=e&btyp=acc&uniq=215925_27824&sx2=1&AstroClick.x=372&AstroClick.y=169
šeit jāsavada savi dzimšanas dati&tad labajā pusē interactive horoscopes -> astroclick partner, būtu jāparādās rinķim uz kura klikšķinot uz sev interesējošās iedaļas labajā pusē var izlasīt aprakstu.
Bet vēlreiz paturpinot par horoskopu. No sākuma es iebraucu konkrētās auzās meklējot middle point un mēģinot kaut ko saprast no grādu tabulas un simboliem, kas apzīmē katru planētu un horoskopa zīmi līdz es atklāju blakus linku uz paskaidrojumiem normālā/cilvēcīgā valodā.
Kopumā izskatās ļoti daudzsološi un tas mani patiešām iepriecina. Daudzsološi, ja neskaita to, ka vispārīgi skatoties informācija ir tāda: saderība ir gandrīz labākā iespējamā vairākos aspektos, bet pastāv mazs procentuāls skaits gadījumu, kuros ja kaut kas noies greizi, tad mēs viens otru nomušīsim. :D MĪLA VS NAIDS.
Interesantākie (priekš manis) citāti būtu:
- This is a relationship in which the two of you are able to be yourselves and express your egos fully and without reserve in each other's presence.
- This relationship signifies that as a couple you will achieve a more perfect self-expression than either of you could experience in relationships with others.
- The trine of composite Moon and composite Venus is an excellent indication of a relationship based on love and affection. By itself, this aspect suggests that you are very compatible emotionally and that your relationship will have a positive effect on both of you.
- Your relationship will have a quality of exuberance that will make others glad to be with you. Also, you will be tolerant of each other's faults. In fact, the only real difficulty this aspect might raise is that you may be too uncritical of each other.
- The sextile of composite Pluto and Mars gives the two of you the potential for transforming yourselves through the relationship you create. You will arouse each other's sense of will and purpose in a complementary rather than a competitive way, and this will allow you to express your powers as individuals without getting in each other's way.
- While this aspect furthers your individual ego-expression, it also allows you to cooperate in gaining whatever you wish to gain together. You are able to work hard together, for you call forth energies in each other that you may not have known you had.
- In a sexual relationship it can make physical love-making better and more satisfying than usual. It often makes people feel irresistibly attracted to each other. The problem this combination presents is that sex can easily become a device for one person to dominate the other. (haha, man patīk pēdējais teikums šajā punktā).
- You cannot expect this to be a quiet, stable, predictable relationship, and you won't know what to expect at times. But it can be very stimulating, whatever its purpose.
- The seventh is the house not only of partnerships and marriage, but also of open enmities and intimate conflict. With this placement, if your relationship is not going well, you may compete with each other in a way that is disruptive and produces antagonism between you.
- If the relationship is laden with conflicts, even a strong feeling of love between you may turn to hatred. In most cases, however, this will be a very fine personal relationship.
šeit jāsavada savi dzimšanas dati&tad labajā pusē interactive horoscopes -> astroclick partner, būtu jāparādās rinķim uz kura klikšķinot uz sev interesējošās iedaļas labajā pusē var izlasīt aprakstu.