Posted on 2010.05.07 at 16:31Mūzika: Indie playlists.
& when love is a barricade That's where I'll find you Saying we're already made So don't put up these barricades We don't need barricades We have each other And that won't fade .
es vēl mācos daudzas lietas&viena no tām ir rūpēties par vēl kādu izņemot sevi pašu. būbūbū. gražojos un niķojos kā piecgadīga meitene, ja man uz brīdi jāizkāpj no savas komforta zonas. Silver thunder, turquoise stream Leaves of amber, fields of emerald green When you sketch all those shades on me I am yours, you can do what you like with me