can't stop feeling.

Posted by [info]adrastea on 2010.03.14 at 19:58
Perfekti sakārtoju istabiņu - izslaucīju un izmazgāju grīdas/no visiem plauktiem un plauktiņiem notīrīju putekļus/izvēdināju ielaižot pavasarīgo gaisu un saulīti/nomainīju gultas veļu&nomazgājos pati.
Ok -> tikko pamanīju, ka iepriekšējā teikumā ir pārāk daudz deminutīvi. Saliku mīļo fotogrāfijas uz palodzes. Šodien ejot pa gaiteni netīšām atsitu drama queen krūzīti pret sienu un tā sašķīda uz grīdas sīkos gabalos. Jutos nedaudz sašauta, jo ticu, ka tāda krūzīte bija tikai viena uz pasaules, tādēļ ķēros klāt tīrīšanai.Tagad sēžu un klausos chill playlistu orbā. 

If i told you things i did before 
told you how i used to be 
would you go along with someone like me 
if you knew my story word for word 
had all of my history 
would you go along with someone like me? 

i did before and had my share 
it didn't lead nowhere 
i would go along with someone like you 
it doesn't matter what you did 
who you were hanging with 
we could stick around and see this night through 

and we don't care about the young folks 
talkin' 'bout the young style 
and we don't care about the old folks 
talkin' 'bout the old style too 
and we don't care about their own faults 
talkin' 'bout our own style 
all we care 'bout is talking 
talking only me and you 

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