
Posted by [info]adrastea on 2010.02.16 at 02:07
turpinot pētīt Darfūras konfliktu man paliek arvien sliktāk un sliktāk gan fiziski (dēļ saaukstēšanās) gan morāli, lasot cietušo liecības.

The planes were bombing. I told the children to run, but men on horseback and in trucks had already
entered the village. I started to shout to my husband to run from the house. They shot him as he stepped
from the door. I went back to help him. My son was clinging to my dress. An Arab looking man in a
uniform with military insignia stopped his car next to me. He grabbed my son from me and threw him into
a fire.(Kalima's son was 3 years old.)They raped me. There was nothing I could do.

There is so much sadness.
God forgive me, it would be better to be dead.

ANDERSSON: Now, almost two years after Darfur's killing started, the UN says it still can't be certain if
genocide is occurring there. It was this that woke the world up to the catastrophe that was unfolding. By
April, months of massacres had gone largely unseen, but a million people on the move were harder to
ignore. Vast refugee camps emerged. Whole sections of Darfur's black population had been burnt out of
their homes. In this squalor they sought salvation but death stalked them here.

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