Cinderella Ate My Daughter |
Jul. 13th, 2015|08:57 pm |
Peggy Orenstein par meiteņu audzināšanu Amerikā. Gribētos jau ticēt, ka Eiropā tas gaļas [princešu] tirgus nav tik brutāls. I can’t say what others’ personal threshold ought to be: that depends on one’s child, one’s parenting style, one’s judgment, one’s own personal experience. It would be disingenuous to claim that Disney Princess diapers or Ty Girlz or Hannah Montana or Twilight or the latest Shakira video or a Facebook account is inherently harmful. Each is, however, a cog in the round-the-clock, all-pervasive media machine aimed at our daughters—and at us—from womb to tomb; one that, again and again, presents femininity as performance, sexuality as performance, identity as performance, and each of those traits as available for a price. It tells girls that how you look is more important than how you feel. More than that, it tells them that how you look is how you feel, as well as who you are. Meanwhile, the notion that we parents are sold, that our children are “growing up faster” than previous generations, that they are more mature and sophisticated in their tastes, more savvy in their consumption, and there is nothing we can (or need) do about it is—what is the technical term again?—oh yes: a load of crap. |