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[Nov. 1st, 2013|03:26 pm]
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Trīs mīlīgi divu teikumu soft-horror stāstiņi :

When I was 9, the birds stopped still in the sky and I saw the men that move between moments. They sang silently as they prepared the lake where my little sister was about to drown. -- Saladin Ahmed

The Murder House Tour is bullshit: the House of the Crazed Chiropractor, the House of the Fallen Weatherman, the House of the Ill-Informed Doomsday Cult. The last stop is a prefab, modern and obviously brand -new, and I ask, “Who was murdered here?” right before the screams. -- Mat Johnson

Un mans feivorīts(nē, ne dēļ autores uzvārda) :
For months I’ve followed you everywhere — running to catch the bus, dancing with your husband on your birthday, bending (unseen, you thought) to steal a neighbor’s flower. But I let you see me only now, my face behind you in the bathroom mirror in the middle of the night, because we’re so close to being together forever. -- Ann North
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