[Aug. 18th, 2022|08:12 am] |
Gruzijā ir grupējums Alt-info (ალტ-ინფოს), kurš 2018. gada novembrī nodibināja interneta kanālu, lai "pretotos liberālajai propogandai" un nodrošinātu konservatīvu skatījumu uz notikumiem, noskaņoti pret imigrantiem un LGBT kustību. Viņi organizējās, lai protestētu pret praida gājienu 2021. gadā, protestā notika arī fiziskas sadursmes no kurām viena beidzās ar žurnālista-operatora, kurš fiksēja notiekošo, nāvi. Lashkavara sustained a concussion and broken bones in his face, and underwent surgery as a result of the attack; he was discharged from a hospital on July 8 to recover at home, according to news reports. His colleague, Miranda Bagaturia, said that Lashkarava had complained of severe pain on the day of his death [11. jūlijs]. Police have launched a criminal investigation into his death under Article 115 of the Georgian criminal code, which pertains to “driving a person to suicide,” according to reports, which said that article is often used when a body is found without an obvious cause of death. At the request of Lashkarava’s family, an independent expert will join the journalist’s post-mortem examination. https://cpj.org/2021/07/georgian-camera-operator-aleksandre-lashkarava-dies-after-beating-by-anti-lgbt-demonstrators/ TV Pirveli-appointed expert said Lashkarava was receiving morphine to treat severe pain following surgery https://civil.ge/archives/431858
Lashkaravas nāves izmeklēšana noslēdzās bez kāda notiesāšanas. Cilvēktiesību orgainizācijas izvirzījušas versiju, ka šos pret praida protestus atbalstīja drošības policija. Nine of Georgia’s top human rights groups said the allegations prompt “an even more dangerous and disturbing assumption” that Georgia’s State Security Service may have been “behind the planning and management of that mass violence”. https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2022/06/17/tbilisi-pride-georgia-planned/
Savu uzstādīto mērķi viniem izdevās panākt - šogad baidoties par drošību Tbilisi praida gājiens nenotika. Tikai pasākumi iekštelpās.
2021. gada decembrī Alt-info nodibināja partiju un lai arī pirmajās vēlēšanās tā neguva nekādus panākumus, tā ir nodibinājusi 62 vēlēšanu birojus visā valstī. Facebook Alt-info laiku pa laikam dzēš ārā, toties viņiem bija pārraides oficiālā TV kanālā, kas tikai raidītas līdz š.g. 27. jūlijam, kad Alt-info finansiālu apsvērumu dēļ to paši izbeidza. Reģionālā TV taisnojās, ka ļauj viņus pārraidīt tikai materiālu apsvērumu dēļ, jo reģionālajiem tv ir grūti izdzīvot, taču uzskata, ka saturs ir šausmīgs. “The content of their products is completely unacceptable, but as a regional television station that stopped advertising, in order to survive and function as a news channel, we made this unfortunate decision at the time,"
Viņi ir prokrieviski un atkārto krievu oficiālo mediju vēstījumus, līdz ar to šobrīd pret viņiem arvien vairāk cilvēku ir noskanoti negatīvi. "Speaking about the events in Ukraine, Alt-Info presenter Zurab Makharadze noted that there is a high probability that the events taking place in Ukraine will soon be repeated in Georgia, therefore, the Georgian government should immediately join the 3+3 initiative, which is among the 6 states in the region (Russia, Turkey, Iran, Georgia , Armenia, Azerbaijan) implies an updated format of cooperation." https://mythdetector.ge/ka/moskovis-droith-ras-laparakobs-da-uchvenebs-alt-inpho/
Interesanti, ka tajos Alt-info raidījumos fonā ir liela melna tāfele uz kuras atrodas: Leonardo da Vinči "Vitrūvija cilvēks" un "gaisa skrūve" zīmējumi Zelta griezums Roku fragments no Mikelandželo freskas "Ādama radīšana" binārās skaitīšanas sistēmas tabula dažādu formulu izvedumi

Ja man būtu iespēja viņiem uzdot jautājumus, es noteikti pajautātu arī par to tāfeli. |
[Aug. 14th, 2022|07:29 pm] |
Ņujork laiki
The New York Times announced plans to eliminate copy editing roles from the production of its daily newspaper and website content in June 2018. Many publications, such as the Chronicle of Higher Education, have suggested the elimination of copy editors has led to more mistakes, such as typos and factual errors, in the paper. The journalism research organization similarly suggested in a blog post that the elimination of copy editors would decrease internal expertise and hurt the quality of the daily news report.
One could argue that an independent eye on stories before publication is more important today when the safety net is shredded because of earlier staff cuts and a chief executive is willing to wage a Twitter war on any real or imagined factual issue. Copy editors add considerable value to the news precisely because they are independent. They represent the readers, and they watch out for the organization’s reputation. Sometimes, perhaps oftentimes, this independence leads to disagreement or even outright conflict with reporters or assigning editors. But the result is an improved story – one where tough questions are asked and answered. https://www.poynter.org/reporting-editing/2017/by-dismantling-its-copy-desk-the-new-york-times-is-making-a-mistake-thats-been-made-before/
*1619 Project "I was concerned that critics would use the overstated claim to discredit the entire undertaking. So far, that’s exactly what has happened." https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/03/06/1619-project-new-york-times-mistake-122248 *Unmarked graves in Canada "It seems inevitable that some day in the future, actual bodies will be brought to the surface—genuine, uncontestable evidence of a real historical atrocity that formerly had been unknown or obscure. If, in that authentic moment of discovery, journalists and politicians suddenly find that it’s become impossible to arouse the interest and sympathies of a jaded, untrusting Canadian public, let’s not pretend that we won’t know the reason why." https://quillette.com/2022/07/22/how-fake-news-in-the-new-york-times-led-to-a-canadian-social-panic-over-unmarked-graves/ |