Nov. 4th, 2024|11:31 am |
Lasu kā Austrumu un Rietumu baznīca sastrīdējās par hipostāzēm un ūsiju un pārdzīvoju tā it kā pati būtu ar kādu nelabojami sastrīdējusies. Nu, tiešām viņi nevarēja izdomāt kā šito atrisināt, nu. Toreiz, kad Priede par šo mums stāstīja, neko nesapratu. Laimīgā es. Tā iet, ja imperatori apmeklē sapulces. Bet nu labi, es brīnos, ka vispār par kaut jel ko beigās vienojās starp neskaitāmajām gnosis un heresis.
"Nobody will ever write a history of Europe that will make any sort of sense, until he does justice to the Councils of the Church, those vast and yet subtle collaborations for thrashing out a thousand thoughts to find the true thought of the Church. The great religious Councils of the Church are far more practical and important than the great international treaties which are generally made the pivotal dates of history. For in almost every case the international peace was founded on a compromise; the religious peace was founded on a distinction—the enunciation of a principle which has affected, and still does affect, the general state of mind of thousands of Europeans from admirals to applewomen.”
/ G.K. Chesterton |