Mar. 7th, 2024|10:57 pm |
Nebiju pievērsusi uzmanību Abu Meri intervijai ar Rēderu, lai gan izbrīnīja, ka twiterīgņas viņu nevis lamā, bet slavē. Šovakar beidzot noskatījos un sapratu kāpēc, aizkustinoši. https://replay.lsm.lv/lv/ieraksts/ltv/320369/11-veselibas-ministrs-hosams-abu-meri
The theory adopted by these people, my fellow writers, was that life proceeds according to a general development and that we, the thinkers, play the primary role in that development; moreover, we, the artists and the poets, have the greatest influence on the thinkers. Our mission is to educate people. In order to avoid the obvious question-"What do I know and what can I teach?" the theory explained that it is not necessary to know anything and that the artist and the poet teach unconsciously. Since I was considered a remarkable artist and poet, it was quite natural for me to embrace this theory. As an artist and poet I wrote and taught without myself knowing what I was teaching.
/Leo Tolstoy, Confession |