Paldies par laba vēlējumiem. Uzskatiet tos par bumerangiem. - October 30th, 2023 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 30th, 2023

[Oct. 30th, 2023|10:59 pm]
[Fonā |Woven Hand - My Russia (Standing On Hands)]

O bird on the wire,
What is the world to you?

/George O'Neil, Sparrow

Some call my neighborhood Neos Kosmos, the New World. But we are on the borders of Neos Kosmos. We live across the paved-over trickle that was the river, Kallirrhois (“the beautifully flowing”), from the old-town area of Athens, the Plaka, where, on Byron street, beneath the Acropolis, you can buy calendars with ancient Greek pornography. The real name of our neighborhood, known by the post office but none of the taxi drivers, is Cynosargous—the dog Argos, who waited on a dungheap for the exile’s return. The exile’s return, of course, is death.

/A.E. Stallings, Athens: Peripatetic Fragments. A new world in the old.

Daži to sauc par jauno pasauli, daži vienkārši par neatbilstību starp mierinājuma vārdiem, neskaidriem pierakstiem un vēl neskaidrākām atmiņām.
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