[Jul. 16th, 2023|04:23 pm] |
[ | Fonā |
| | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5Ez629CRF8 | ] | Lietuviešu kristianizācija un kāda sīka piebilde par Austrumu rāpuļiem (vai reptīļiem)
...Vos etenim, patres eximii ... pisces magnos de mari oceano trahentes ad litus salutis attrahitis, nos nempe e diverso in mari magno et spacioso terrarum nostrarum versus orientem reptilia, gentem scilicet Samagitarum noviter infidelitatis cecitate frementem de profundo aquarum extrahentes ad hauriendum aquas in gaudio conducimus salvatoris
...Indeed, you, great fathers...pulling great fish from the ocean of the sea you have drawn us to the shore of salvation, that is to say, from a different place in the great sea in the expanse of our lands towards the east reptiles, the nation of the Samagites newly roaring with the blindness of unbelief, from the depths of the waters, we lead them to draw the waters in the joy welcoming the savior.
/Missive of King Jogaila and Grand Duke Vytautas to the Fathers of the Council of Constance (25 August 1417) |