Paldies par laba vēlējumiem. Uzskatiet tos par bumerangiem. - October 24th, 2021 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 24th, 2021

[Oct. 24th, 2021|11:04 am]
Pusstundu gara filmiņa garastāvokļa uzlabošanai visiem tiem, kuriem nācies saskarties ar izglītības sistēmas administratīvo prasību absurdu :)

"A small art academy in fused into a huge university as one out of many institutes in a prestigioius newbuild. They have to follow all the university´s administrative procedures. But secretly, the students and staff decide to self organize as an independent art school. They create their own courses, programmes and leadership, secretly and without the university´s knowledge."
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