aabols' Journal
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Friday, July 23rd, 2004

    Time Event

    I hate when people think they're saving the world just by riding their bike. It's like those black and white couples that think they're fighting racism just by fucking each other.


    Current Music: John Frusciante - Ricky
    You know that thing called DJing? Playing records in bars or at stupid art openings for money? Guess what DJing is? The biggest fucking bullshit con of all time! People who get over as DJs are making the easiest money ever, because they've convinced every PR person and club owner in the world that they're doing something only a few natural-born geniuses can do. It's laughable. A 70-year-old blind Ethiopian leper with 10 broken fingers can "spin" just as well as any B-list celebrity at any instore party for some gay snowboarding jeans company. I promise.

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