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Thursday, June 26th, 2003

    Time Event
    Pakļaujoties vispārējam bumam.
    Magic Number14
    JobPorn Star
    SexualJust Say No
    Likely To WinThe Booker Prize
    Me - In A WordBeautiful
    Brought to you by MemeJack

    Nu tīri tā neko :)

    Current Music: Suede: Beautiful ones
    Feeling kinda silly..
    Nu kas tas ir?! Laikam esmu kļuvis greizsirdīgs uz cilvēku (tiem kam dikti interesē, atzīšos- uz meiteni :) ) uz kuru man vismazāk būtu jābūt greizsirdīgam. Traki jancīga sajūta.
    P.S. Nu labi, tiem kam dikti interesē- uz bijušo meiteni. Nu nav stulbi, ko a?

    Current Music: TheSmiths: The Boy With The Thorn In His Side
    ..or we could go dreaming, see? oh hey...
    I'm so sorry to hear about the news,
    Don't you worry,
    I'll buy us a bottle and we'll drink in the petrol fumes,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your world,
    Don't you worry,
    There's a gap in the fence down by the nature reserve,

    Hey, such a lovely day, such a lovely day,
    Such fun, looking at the lovers in a lay-by with my little one.

    I'm so sorry to hear the news today,
    Don't you worry,
    There's been a speeding disaster so we'll go to the motorway,
    I'm so sorry to hear about the scene,
    Don't you worry,
    Just put on your trainers and get out of it with me,

    Hey, such a lovely day, such a lovely day,
    Such fun, looking at the lovers in a lay-by with my little one.
    Hey, such a lovely day, such a lovely day,
    Such fun, looking at the lorries in the litter with my lovely one,

    We could go dancing, we could go walking,
    we could go shopping, we could keep talking,
    we could go drinking, we could sit thinking,
    we could go speeding, or we could go dreaming, see? oh hey...

    Current Music: Suede: Picnic by the Motorway

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