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Friday, January 10th, 2003

    Time Event
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    aabols un nopelniem bagātā Orange Bar bārmene, Oika Ginta.

    Current Music: Suede: Picnic by the Motorway
    I'm not living I'm just killing time
    Nevaru atturēties pārpublicēt pēdējo informāciju par jauno Radiohead albūmu, kā nekā tas ir viens no manis gaidītākajiem muzikālajiem notikumiem šajā gadā (otrais aiz Sigur Ros koncerta Stokholmā 17. februārī)

    The band have only spent a total of 8 weeks recording the songs that are being considered for a place on the album unlike with the 2 year Kid A/Amnesiac double sessions. They have described the new style (another one?) as 'Dark Pop' not too dissimilar to The Bends. The LP will be released in June of 2003 and the band are currently doing mixing, deciding a title and deciding on cover artwork.

    Tracks that could make the final cut:
    There There
    A possible first comeback single that apparently has some strong #1 potential.
    Might have been beefed up a bit in the studio from a slight guitar song to an almighty great rocker
    Sit Down Stand Up
    A mantra-esque song that is probably going to be tinkered so it's more Electronica
    Named after a disease contracted by rabbits. Similar to Dollars & Cents on Amnesiac.. Might be made more like Idioteque
    Sail To The Moon
    A Nick Cave = Bad Seeds alike piano ballad.
    We Suck Young Blood
    A song about the residents of Los Angeles where it was written. Funeral march pace, but with very tongue in cheek lyrics and a haunting piano.
    Up On The Ladder
    A song about people trying to get to the top, apparently. Thunderous rocker with heavy bass, thrashy fast guitar in a similar vein to Airbag from OK Computer...
    Another possible single contender. Anthemic rock similar to The Bends. Wall of noise tecnique employed again here.
    Where I End And You Begin
    Spooky orchestra like inttroduction similar to Everything In It's Right Place that leads into a heavy basss driven rocker similar to stuff by Mancunian band Joy Division. About cannibalism, one of the bands favourite subjects of late.
    Punch Up At The Wedding
    Huge kingsize rock ballad on the same level as the epic Exit Music from OK Computer.. Another haunting piano ballad.
    Big Ideas
    An old song the band have never released could see the light of day on the new LP. Reinvented on Spain/Portugal tour as a organ ballad. Might be final track on album.

    There are some other tracks also in contention that were premiered on the Spain/Portugal summer tour. These include:
    -I Will
    -Wicked Child
    -Follow Me Around
    -Keep The Wolf From the Door
    -Go To Sleep

    There were also 2 new songs revealed on the bands recent webcast to the masses that could also feature:
    -Good Morning Mr Magpie
    -I Froze Up

    NME January 4th

    Current Music: Radiohead: Kinetic
    If you're interested
    By the way, ja kādu interesē, tad varu piedāvāt Toma Jorka (Thom Yorke) mini-solo-koncertu (2002. gada 26. un 27.oktobrī @ Bridge School Benefit, Shoreline Amphitheater, Mountain View, CA) ierakstus ļoti labā kvalitātē, kuros Jorks izpilda arī pāris jaunās dziesmas.

    Current Music: Smiths: There is a Light That Never Goes Out
    Bāc, kas tas ir: tāds dīdeklis piemeties. Laikam piektdienas vakara sindroms. Bet sākt tā kā būtu par ātru, vēl ņemot vērā faktu, ka pa nakti jāliek tautai dejas vecajā labajā Orange Bārā. A savādāk ir bijuši gadījumi (nu labi tikai viens), ka aabols jau pulkstens desmitos, tā vietā, lai liktu mūziku, saldi krāc virtuvē uz saldētavas. He he..

    Current Music: Suede: Trash

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