raidījums par planētas tautu tradicionālo mūziku - zeme #4 - Hugh Tracey Āfrikas ieraksti [30.05.2015] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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zeme #4 - Hugh Tracey Āfrikas ieraksti [30.05.2015] [May. 31st, 2015|02:46 am]
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[music |Nyoro Royal Horn Ensemble - Rwakanembe]

30.maija pārraidē skanēs ievērojamā etnōmuzikolōga Hugh Tracey
vidus Āfrikas mūzikas ieraksti no Ruandas, Ugandas, Zambijas, Kongō, Zimbabves, Botsvanas, Mozambikas, Dienvidāfrikas, Malāvijas, Kenijas un Tanzānijas.


Hugh Tracey biogrāfija , International Library of African Music

ILAM digital sound archive

honoring Africa's traditional music

saites uz āfrikas mūzikas resursiem

the mdantsane way magazine

Hugh Tracey video

Hugh Tracey at Discogs 1

Hugh Tracey at Discogs 2

royal court music from Uganda (1950 & 1952)

secular music from Uganda (1950 & 1952)

Zambia - kalimba & kalumbu songs (1952 & 1957)

on the edge of the Ituri forest (northeastern belgian Congo 1952)

southern Mozambique (portuguese east Africa, 1943 '49 '54 '55 '57 '63)

the nguni sound - South Africa and Swaziland (1955, '57, '58)

northern & central Malawi, Nyasaland, (Cewa,Tonga, and Tumbuka) (1950, '57, '58)

Tanzania instruments - Tanganyika [1950]

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