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[Oct. 29th, 2013|10:27 pm]
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vakar arī bija sūrme.

Paganini - Ghiribizzi
Sungha Jung - 2011 - Irony
Vaarna - After hundreds there became hundreds (2009)
Shin-ichi Fukuda - Plays 19th Century Guitar (1994, Denon-Japan)
Попадюк Василь
Алексей Любимов - Messe Noire (ECM) (Стравинский, Шостакович, Прокофьев, Скрябин)
1967 - The Velvet Underground & Nico [2002. Remastering. Deluxe Edition]

gulēju slikti. kaut gan cietos, neiegāzos pēc darba gultā.
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