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Mēnesis pagājis.
Skaiti kā gribi - četrās nedēļās, mēnesī no datuma līdz datumam - bet viņš ir pagājis. Un es viņu atzīmēju tā, ka atcerēšos. Vai tas ir uz labu vai sliktu, laiks rādīs. Galvenais, ka ir jautri un dzīve notiek. Patiesībā es priecājos, ka otrdienas ballīte tika atcelta sakarā ar neiespējamību dabūt atļauju, cause I'm starting to gain a reputation in here.. Diemžēl cilvēkiem ir kreizī ideas to go to Paris and have fun there that night. And everybody's like: oh, Madara, don't make us beg you, we know you want to come. At this point I'm just hoping I have to work the next morning, cause if that's the case, I'm totally not going.. It's enough with one weekend without sleep. The main thing - no matter how crazy these last few days have been, they have also been fun and really good. I enjoyed them. And now - to sleep and to new adventures. Oh, shit.. That reminds me of that freakin' challenge Edita is trying to put me up to.. I still haven't said 'challenge accepted' although I won't deny it, it's tempting. And totally crazy.

Sasodīts. Tikko pamanīju pāreju valodās. Un nobijos [it's happening too natural and fast now..]

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Current Mood: intrestīng
Current Music: "it's friday, friday, gotta get down on friday.." in head

Name: madara
Back December 2013
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