09 Jūnijs 2018 @ 07:55
Nevar tak pagulēt, ja šitādi murgi jāskatās.
Pāršķēlu ābolu, a tur izbirst miljons sīki kukaiņi, kas sekundes simtdaļā izaug līdz prāvam madagaskaras prusakam. Tikai tie ir astaiņi ar skorpiona astēm. Pavadu laiku vecajā istabā, spaidot tos un skatoties kā no tiem iztek zaļš citplanētiešveidīgs šķidrums.
Otru kukaiņu ainu vairs neatminos, bet zinu, ka seko murgs aiz murga.


'' Dreams always speak to some aspect of our individual psyche, internal experience, or soul. Meaning, that if you are feeling disgust in a dream, you are feeling disgust inside of yourself. You are feeling like there is some part of you that is disgusting--rotten--infested with bugs. This is the essence of shame.
A huge collection of insects only signifies that you are having some nagging questions or obstacles in your life that you need to thought over and assort.