Chris Rock - Bring the pain

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Sep. 7., 2008 | 06:57 pm

whats a platonic friend to a woman? it's like a dick in a glass case! In case of emergency brake up the glass!

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Comments {4}

aizmirsu virsrakstu

from: [info]aluka
date: Sep. 7., 2008 - 07:03 pm

A Plutonic friend is a friend that comes from Pluto.

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aizmirsu virsrakstu

from: [info]freakart
date: Sep. 7., 2008 - 07:16 pm

"For a man, a plutonic friend is a woman you was tryin' to fuck, made a wrong turn somewhere, and ended up in the 'friend-zone'. Oh no! I'm in the friend-zone!"--Chris Rock

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aizmirsu virsrakstu

from: [info]poppo
date: Sep. 8., 2008 - 08:49 am

atgādina Just Friends movie

Chris: Y'see, when a girl decides that you're her friend, you're no longer a dating option. You become a complete non-sexual entity in her eyes, like a brother... or a lamp.
Ray: I don't want to be a lamp...

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aizmirsu virsrakstu

from: [info]emoedgars
date: Sep. 7., 2008 - 07:57 pm

So trū!

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