25 Marts 2009 @ 00:24
internetā ar šis tas jēdzīgs mētājas..  
šitais bija kaut kādas firmas self-promotion un 2007 gadā kaut kādu balvu vai ko dabūja. nu tas nav svarīgi. bet bija tur paciņā zīmuļi, kuriem virsū rakstīts tas, ko zīmulis teiktu, ja prastu runāt.. nu ja, bet man likās, ka daži tīri labi..

1. strategy + design + technology
2. License to daydream.
3. A magic wand that really works.
4. Sometimes good design is ugly.
5. Less is more only when more is no good.
6. Works better when plugged in.
7. You cannot not communicate.
8. Good, fast, cheap. Pick Two.
9. 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.
10. New thinking solves old problems.
11. Erasing is overrated.
12. The pencil is plotting its comeback.
13. It does pencil out.
14. Vehemently eschew obfuscation.
15. Grownups should have play dates.
16. We should all be so lucky.
17. Life is a test. Bring a #2 pencil.
18. Write a letter.
19. What would DaVinci do?
20. Quick! Write that down!
21. Doodling will never be obsolete.
22. Sharpen yourself, why don’t you?
23. Do you remember cursive?
24. So Refreshingly analog
25. Apparently, only minds boggle.
26. Release the masterpiece within.
27. Show | Tell
28. This won’t hurt a bit.
29. I wish I could draw.
30. What you get is what you see.
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Stāvoklis: busy