23 Maijs 2020 @ 15:20
Turpinot par ENFP  
Citāts, kas raksturo visu manu dzīves uztveri, personību, jēgu, domāšanu,, ko vēl? es nez.
Bet es stāvu un krītu par katru vārdu, yaas:
"Campaigners are known for their big dreams. And that makes sense, right? You’ve got art to make, people to uplift, and a great big world to explore. A comfortable but boring life – well, that just isn’t for you.

Learning about your personality type, you might feel the thrill of finally seeing yourself clearly. Maybe now you understand why the life that everyone else seems to be chasing – big salary, shiny car, social media likes – seems a bit empty to you. Sure, those things are nice, but they’re just things.