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[Dec. 4th, 2012|01:42 pm]
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Socrates fore­saw if teach­ing be­came a for­mal pro­fes­sion, some­thing like this would hap­pen. Pro­fes­sional in­ter­est is served by mak­ing what is easy to do seem hard; by sub­or­di­nat­ing the laity to the priest­hood. School is too vital a jobs-pro­ject, con­tract giver and pro­tec­tor of the so­cial order to allow it­self to be "re-formed." It has po­lit­i­cal al­lies to guard its marches, that’s why re­forms come and go with­out chang­ing much. Even re­form­ers can’t imag­ine school much dif­fer­ent.

[Džons Teilōrs Gatō: The Underground History of American Education]
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