: who's that girl? - to the cinema. wisemen

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Janvāris 8., 2007

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19:25 - to the cinema. wisemen
oh, i'd just love to go to the cinema
and enjoy a beautiful movie
so much
oh, i'd love to do it so much
i could marry the one
who'd take me to one
(if he'd be the one)

good, that i can go alone
i'd have to get married otherwise
but it's not me

- look who's alone now, it's not me, it's not me -

who's getting married this year
austra, 'aight?

then again -
you never know.

+ children of men
+ volver

un vēlreiz:
+ x-men 3
+ 007: casino royale
+ pirates of the caribbean: dead man's chest
("ship is freedom")

(i once thought the movie was so about us; have to see it again, to make sure)
+ miami vice
("time is luck")

(5 with milk | cup of coffee?)


[User Picture]
Date:9. Janvāris 2007 - 03:43
ak jel
es atkal tā kārtīgi atcerējos :D
[User Picture]
Date:9. Janvāris 2007 - 08:37
egoistiski ir runāt par sevi tāda event'a (tava event'a) sakarā, bet
jesus christ on extasy!
my girl is getting married this year!
[User Picture]
Date:9. Janvāris 2007 - 10:01

sasmaidījos :)
[User Picture]
Date:9. Janvāris 2007 - 12:55
vislabākais kadrs sanāk, kad ej pa ielu, atceries kaut ko foršu, kas bijis (nu, tas pats jaungads kaut vai),un un sāc smaidīt.
un tad turpini smaidīt
par to, ka smaidi, kaut vai.

kaut vai, kaut vai..
bet smaidam jau nevajag daudz.
vien vienu tiny impulsu.

padod impulsu! :)
[User Picture]
Date:9. Janvāris 2007 - 13:47
tad mana dzīve sastāv no vieniem vienīgiem impulsiem smaidīšanai

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