June 3rd, 2008

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07:58 pm - ***
I kept hiding lady Marlene from the enemy and was, in fact, successful until the day when I simply was not there to help my only friend. The army of Monsters attacked while I was collecting herbs for the sick child of a local baker. They were aware of the thunderians hiding their most beautiful women, so they came unexpected and took some of our best. Lady Marlene, my dearest frend, was among them. I put most of the blame onto myself for I did not see them coming, because I simply did not try. Only the most bloody scenes appeared before my eyes with no Calling, else I had to provoke them. As our enemy had recently left, I was not expecting them to come back before the Fall. I blamed myself for the possible deaths of thunderian women. The feeling was killing me. I was still quite insane from the power I possesed and this happening only made it worse. When I regained sanity more or less, I left to seek for the Lost. I could not be sure whether they were alive, but I promised not to return until I find out. And Marlene, I had to find Marlene, my last hope in rebirth of my kind. She could have become the next Warrior of the people to protect my dinasty, the people of the woods. No, that was not it, I had to find lady Marlene, the only person that I truly loved. I took the only things I had, also grabing a huge butcher's axe as my only weapon and rejected the help that was offered by the strong men of Thunder. No, they had no idea of what was going on. This was to be a great batlle, the greatest fight on Earth. Knowing how it ends was quite boring.

Days had gone before I reached the farest borders of the dark and spoilt land of lust, misery and pain. The Monsters...there was hell a lot of them. I saw blood on their filthy hands as if they never washed it away, as if they enjoyed to feel it on their skin. And yet their appearance was not far from ours. They were big and strong, but so are the thunderian butchers for example. I had met them for so many times during the past fights, but only then I saw them as something real. They had a town, a life. Most of them had families and some kind of friends. But their land was too close to hell, brought to a state like that by their own hands and sick minds. I also forced myself to remember that even the "families" they had were created by raping the women of world's towns and villages and forcing them as the wives of Monsters afterwards. After performing a Calling to see if my ideas were to be successful, I entered the place as a simple old beggar, just to see what happens. I had to get some information first.


Mental Asphyxia - ***

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