I couldn't
bring myself to typing it yesterday, so here's my two cents (I wonder, if
there's a more British version of this saying) about it all.
First of all it was epic, amazing, fantastic and brilliant. But never the less
it was sort of cheap.
I had read ideas about a human Doctor version, who would be staying with Rose
in the parallel world, but I never thought, that BBC would actually do it. At
first I felt extremely disappointed about the outcome, but then it sort of fell
into it's rightful place. First of all – our galactic hasn't been reduced to
nothing, which is good. Second - Rose is back, safe and relatively happy. She
will grow old together with a man, who she loves and who in
turn can love her back. That has been the greatest concern with all Rose/Doctor
relationship - even is he possesses romantic feelings towards Rose, he would
never be able to tell her that, because of all that time lord-human thing. Also
- (human) Doctor whispering "I love you" into Rose's ear and kissing
bit was extremely cute. Thirdly - hey, everyone's alive. Although I think, that
Donna suffered fate worst then death - losing everything she had learned about
the world and herself, while travelling with The Doctor. She was the ultimate
companion, the perfect mate - open to everything new, not madly in love with
Doctor and with no permanent job, she even reminded me of Romana I with all
that arguing and stuff.
The ending was excruciatingly sad. Drenched Doctor coming inside the TARDIS
alone, while a moment ago he had "the biggest family on Earth" almost
thorn my heart to pieces. He was forced to give everyone up. At this point I
even hope, that the ROse MArtha donNA theory is correct and they are bringing
Romana back. Or any other time lord/lady. And no Daleks for the next year's
special 3 episodes please.
It also seems that Owen is gone for ever and Martha will be the new medic for
TW. I hope that Mickey either won't join TW or they will make him less tin
I love the setting of the Christmas special, I wonder whether the beautiful
woman is someone we know and I want a time machine.
Par nesvarīgo - Doctor who - Season 4 finale
06 Jūlijs 2008 @ 21:33
Doctor who - Season 4 finale
Jūtos:: sad
Klausos: Corvus Corax - Venus Vina Musica