per silentium ad as†ra mille - rīta fingrošana [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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rīta fingrošana [Apr. 26th, 2012|01:17 pm]
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šorīt no 81./83.

vispirms dūšīgi iekustos kopā ar De Press: Kalhoz, pirmo vinila gabalu, ko dzirdēju Troļļzemē, bet tad līgani aizjāņo uz CYBOTRON: Industrial Lies.

you take the butter from the table by a gun,
you think the status quo will be there when you're done,
you buy the missile, buy the laser, buy the tank,
evict the widow, put the money in the bank,
you do it all in the name of economics:
economics, economics, economics.
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