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[Mar. 13th, 2011|04:56 pm]
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International Conference: 
Barbarism Revisited

Organizing institutions: Leiden University (Netherlands) & The University of Bonn (Germany)

Location: Leiden

Date: May 31 - June 1, 2012

Confirmed keynote speakers: Terry Eagleton - François Hartog

Possible themes for papers include (but are not limited to):
- The history of the idea of barbarism
Critical reflections on the contemporary rhetoric on barbarians, barbarism, and civilization

- The operations of barbarism or figures of barbarians across media, genres, disciplines

- Comparative approaches to the barbarian in different cultures
- Reappropriations of the trope of the “barbarian” from outside or from the margins of the West

- Affirmative resignifications of the barbarian and their implications

- Strategies for reconceptualizing barbarism and countering its violence

- The critical functions of linguistic barbarisms (foreignisms, solecisms, mistakes in language, violations of grammatical rules etc.)

- “Barbarian” methodologies and modes of theorizing
- “Barbarian” concepts of space and “barbarian” geopolitics

- “Barbarian” modes of political and juridical thought: barbarism and revolution, barbarism and fascism, barbarism and anarchism

We welcome proposals from a wide range of disciplines, including (but not limited to) literary studies, history, philosophy, cultural studies, film and media studies, art history, visual studies, gender studies, anthropology, sociology, and political science.

Abstracts of 250-300 words should be submitted electronically to the conference organizers, Prof. Dr. Christian Moser & Dr. Maria Boletsi, to the following address:


The deadline for submission of abstracts for papers is April 15, 2011.
The conference language will be English.

Selected papers from the conference will be published in a volume on barbarism, to be edited by the organizers.
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