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#daily awwwwww [May. 9th, 2017|09:09 am]
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[mood |welcome to the working week]

tas brīdis, kad 25 gadīgā kolēģe (kura izskatās uz 20 max) virpina matu šķipsnu un reflektē par to, ka "uz vecumu jau mati lēnāk aug, es jau pamanu"

and you go, like

omg, babe, ur soooo cute.

i mean naive.

and then you go look at your pension fund digits.
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Date:May 10th, 2017 - 11:00 pm
So, how many digits? Digits imply at least 2.
[User Picture]
Date:May 11th, 2017 - 02:05 pm
aha. а ключи от квартиры где деньги лежат не надо? ;)