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prognozes [Jan. 5th, 2009|11:21 pm]
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kāda /. komentētāja prognozes par šo gadu:
(12) Lispers will remain quietly smug. Except Paul Graham, who will be vocally smug.
(13) Pythoneers will remain vocally smug, except Guido who is busy doing real work.
(14) Open source software development remain 5 years ahead of Microsofts, except for the GUI, which lags by a decade.
(15) Someone will write a new distributed version control system.
(16) New web frameworks are written in Python (x3), Ruby (x2) and Cobol. Database work is still difficult.
(17) .net is upgraded to another version. Nobody had figured out what the previous version did.
(18) Scrum gets a new acronym, to the disgust of its advocates.
(19) Outside of a select few programmers and /.ers, nobody in the real world cares.
Linkdot krepsi

[User Picture]
Date:January 5th, 2009 - 11:34 pm


Kas tad vainas SVN?
[User Picture]
Date:January 6th, 2009 - 12:17 am

Re: 15

code monkey
Date:January 6th, 2009 - 09:22 am
pirmkārt, nav distributed, trūkst kaut kādu advancēto fīču vai šīs fīčas nav tik superīgas, bet pats galvenais, ka SVN nav pietiekami elitārs, pat visādi iesācēji to lieto