Kim Fowley: Jail-fucking-bait! Jack-fucking-pot!
Tammy: My brother says guys don't like tough girls. He says guys like girls to be soft.
Joan Jett: Your brother's a fag.
Tammy: He does spend a lot of time doing his bangs.
Kim Fowley: Repeat after me: 'I'll give ya something to live for. Have ya, grab ya, till you're sore.'
Cherie Currie: I can't say that.
Kim Fowley: No? Okay. Bye-bye. Go sell girl scout cookies.
Neslikts mūvijs, ņemot vērā, ka man īpaši netīk skatīties kind of bio stuff and shit. šitas bij labs. Laikam jau tāpēc, ka meitenes laizās. bij labs, yeah. Jāiet fuckin' gulēt.
What the fuck you were thinking?